I-HoVR™ 1.0 Weather Meter ene-Bluetooth

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I-HoVR™ 1.0 Weather Meter ene-Bluetooth

Uma kudingeka idatha yesimo sezulu enembile nethembekile, ungathembela ku-Bluetooth ekwazi ukusebenzisa i-HoVR™ 1.0 Meter Weather kusuka ku-HORUS ukuze unikeze ulwazi ngaso sonke isikhathi. Sihlanganise ukufundwa kwesimo sezulu okunembile ne-Bluetooth edidiyelwe evumela ukuxhumana okungenantambo phakathi kwe- HORUS Ballistics App YAMAHHALA * kanye ne-HoVR™ 1.0 Weather Meter ukuze kube nesixazululo esisebenziseka kalula, esisheshayo, nesinembile.

I-HoVR™ 1.0 Weather Meter ikala isivinini somoya, izinga lokushisa, umswakama ohlobene, ingcindezi ye-barometric nokuphakama konke esikrinini esifundeka kalula ngokuthinta inkinobho. Akusekho ukuzulazula okuyinkimbinkimbi noma okunzima ukubuka isikrini.

Chofoza lapha ukuze ubuke imininingwane

Imininingwane Yezobuchwepheshe

Inguqulo ye
Incazelo Inani
Ibhethri* 2 AAA
Umbala Omnyama/Ompunga/Owolintshi
Isebenza ngohlelo lokusebenza oluhambisanayo lwe -HORUS Ballistics App*
Isisindo 7.0 oz
Ubukhulu 4.9" ubude x 1.9" ububanzi x 1" ukujula
-Bluetooth 4.0

Izwe azalelwe kulo



1 review for I-HoVR™ 1.0 Weather Meter ene-Bluetooth

  1. English

    Tim M

    This weather meter surpasses most all more expensive meters by a bunch. Rubberized casing was a smart added touch. When you’re in the field unintentional drops are guaranteed. I find it accurate, quick and easy to use.

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